
Teen Diary Serial Tuesday February 7, 2023

Vered’s Story: Chapter 15

“I’m a shadchan,” she told me. “I love working with singles. And you know what, you look like a wonderful girl”

Breakthrough Tuesday March 23, 2021

  Running the Show 

The girls fist-bumped and smiled smugly. Mali brandished a toothpick. “Kol chassan…” she stage-whispered. Elisheva giggled

Teen Diary Serial Tuesday February 21, 2023

Vered’s Story: Chapter 17  

I mentioned a non-Jewish relative in passing, and he said, disdainfully, “We also have some goyim in the family”

Normal Tuesday January 10, 2023

Normal: Chapter 55

This test… this is not what it’s really all about. This isn’t going to decide anything. It’s all been decided already

Teen Diary Serial Wednesday September 28, 2022

The Girl That Was: Chapter 13  

“Today, as we say goodbye to our four years in high school, we leave as changed people”

Bricks and Ladders Wednesday August 29, 2018

Bricks and Ladders: Chapter 22

“RaRa, where’s Hadas today?” I swallow and shift from foot to foot. Mommy’s green eyes flash, she doesn’t say anything.

Out of Step Wednesday October 2, 2019

Out of Step: Chapter 4

He turns around and gives me a look, the kind of look that says, “please don’t be a terribly selfish human being.”

Moonwalk Wednesday July 8, 2020

Moonwalk: Chapter 19

Maybe things aren’t just going to go back to how they were. Maybe they never can

True Colors Tuesday May 10, 2022

Back Home

There was a terrible surprise awaiting us there

Bricks and Ladders Wednesday February 6, 2019

Bricks and Ladders: Chapter 46

I’ve gone against the group. Add that to Tzippy’s shidduch, and I’m pretty much a social pariah

Bricks and Ladders Wednesday January 30, 2019

Bricks and Ladders: Chapter 45

I’ve gone against the group. Add that to Tzippy’s shidduch, and I’m pretty much a social pariah