Magazine Feature
Chief Rabbi David Lau puts his career on the line to stand up for halachah

By Gedalia Guttentag

Magazine Feature
Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein cuts his privileged ties with the BBC

By Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein

The Forum
An interview with Rabbi Zev Cohen of Chicago’s Special Beis Din dealing with issues of abuse

By Yonoson Rosenblum

The Rose Report
No end in sight to the Biden administration's growing pains

By Binyamin Rose

Washington Wrap
"In the environment we’re operating in right now, everything is difficult”

By Omri Nahmias

Metro & Beyond
It’s January 2022, and the first victory is here

By Yochonon Donn

"Once we understand that abuse is not only an aveirah, but retzichah, perhaps we can begin to comprehend the pain"

By Mishpacha Readers

On Site
A new appreciation not only for the Seven Species of Eretz Yisrael, but for all the Land’s bounty

By Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

Teen Fiction
"It’s true Penina needs to work on the middah of emes. But that doesn’t mean you can speak this way. We all have what to work on”

By S. Scharf

Second Thoughts
What, then, is the real meaning of baruch?

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Hollywood is full of examples that peddle stereotypes, tropes, and inaccuracies about Orthodox Jews

By Alexandra Fleksher

Family First Feature
15 readers share moments of connection

By Family First Readers

Family Tempo
No matter how old we get, to me, she’ll always be the same sweet girl I married, who thought about everyone except herself

By Penina Steinbruch

The kids have grown up and have developed more sophisticated tastes… along with the rest of the world

By Goldie Shulman