A Gift Passed Along
It was harder than it sounds. I didn’t feel it. And I wanted to feel it, and I wanted my kids to feel it

By Shaina King

A Gift Passed Along
If you took a moment and stepped inside, you were quickly overcome by the smell of dust, of pages, of history, of life itself

By Nachman Hellman

A Gift Passed Along
“Why Israel?” I answered. “Because you taught me to love Israel. You taught me to love Jews

By Samuel Goldsmith

A Gift Passed Along
They know it’s the prelude to a busy 24 hours that begins with water

By Baruch Ya'ari

A Gift Passed Along
As I conjure that precious, long-ago image, one word wells up within me. Just one word: Dignity

By Eytan Kobre

A Gift Passed Along
When the Darchei Ish shul opened its doors in Bnei Brak, those Simchas Torah scenes came back to life

By Rabbi Mattis Goldberg

A Gift Passed Along
My mother's passion percolated within me. And over the last year, it found expression in a direction she could not have foreseen

By Rabbi Yaakov Rosenblatt

A Gift Passed Along
I can still remember the elders of the community who wouldn’t even think to smile during that period

By Baruch Ya'ari

Five top international badchanim, who share their experiences and perspectives from the very heart of the Jewish wedding

By Riki Goldstein

The back stage has been revealed as the only stage. And the audience? Only G-d

By Miriam Kosman

Jr. Feature
Destination: the USSR – the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also known as “Russia”

By Malka Grunhaus

Point of View
"In every generation there is a Yetzias Mitzrayim matched to that generation’s particular situation"

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Story Supplement
Zeidy looked thoughtfully at Malky and Eli. “You know, you two remind me of myself and Tanta Temi at your age”

By Penina Steinbruch

We need to make conscious decisions, and take realistically small, but very consistent, steps

By Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky