Jr. Feature
Everyone’s in place — the plaintiff, defendant, the jury, court reporter, court clerk. It’s time for the court proceedings to begin

By Rochel Burstyn

50 Reasons

By Ariella Stern

Story Time
All the Jewish communities were living in utter terror because of this one, atrocious sorcerer. Something had to be done, but who could fight this powerful enemy?

By Y. Bromberg

Double Dance
“No,” Rikki said. Her mother’s unease made her wary. “But my birthday is coming up, so I just thought that maybe…” Her voice trailed off

By Bracha Rosman

The Road Home
It takes a few days for me to realize something about this new house. Sissika is not here. She didn’t come. We didn’t bring her

By Malka Winner

Out of Step
I need to rush home, do homework, go out for Chinese with Goldie, a long-standing Monday night tradition, and — sigh — apologize to Ma about not listening to her explain what happ ...

By Ariella Schiller

This is the most flavorful, juicy chicken you’ve ever tasted. Caramelizing the onions and then blending them adds depth to the sauce, enriches the flavor of the chicken, and takes ...

By Brynie Greisman

Magazine Feature
Rav Sholom Schwadron’s unrehearsed prayers became a staple of repentance

By Yisroel Besser

FamilyTable Feature
A table set for Yom Tov is naturally special. Adding some small touches to identify the day sets the tone and suggests the spirit.

By Esther Ottensoser

Drawing upon his journey from Dharamshala to Kiryat Sefer, popular educator Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger has a message about life’s meaning that speaks to a new generation of searchers

By Gedalia Guttentag

Last Licks
This is a favorite Friday night dessert!

By Family Table Readers

Year in Review
Yet when the scales are balanced and the book of judgment closes on the year 5779, the Jewish People are thriving

By Binyamin Rose