D o I spell Chanukah correctly? If you really wanted, you could probably spell Chanukah a different way on each of the eight nights. Here are my top 5 ways to spell Chanukah and what it tells us about the speller #1. Chanukah This is the old-fashioned ArtScroll spelling of Chanukah. You’re a classical speller.
T op Five pesukim on top of the aron kodesh brought many reader submissions. Here are some of our favorites: Shloime Ludmir shares a picture of the aron kodesh in a shul in Beit El, which reads “Ein zeh ki im beis Elokim,” and then on the paroches, “v’zeh sha’ar hashamayim.” Rivkie Berger shares
D uring davening, your eyes might instinctively wander toward the aron kodesh, but what do you see there? It might be a pasuk, or a passage from davening — some word or phrase to keep mispallelim inspired. Here are some of my favorite inscriptions: “V’atem teluktu l’achad echad, Bnei Yisrael — And you will be gathered
The gabbai of the shul where you’ve davened for the last ten years walks up to you and says, “Did you recently move in?” You send a tuition payment to your child’s yeshivah and they thank you for paying for the Chumash siyum. You know there’s no urgent need to personally know the nusach for
Marcheshvan is based on the word “mirachshefin,” the movement of the lips as they continue to reverberate after the intense avodah of Tishrei. Lingering images of inspiration
O nce in a while people may quietly ask themselves: Am I a gvir? It’s an uncomfortable question to ask and it can be even trickier to answer. Here’s a list that can help you figure out if you really have that coveted gvir status. Shiur Klali You were invited to give a shiur