10 Questions
Yaakov Berger is the voice actor and narrator behind many of today’s frum commercials, movies, clips, and promos
Off the Couch
I was a bit overwhelmed myself — it’s not every day you see a person so candidly willing to admit his pain or weakness
Second Thoughts
Is it not sad that, because of the enmity between our two peoples, a simple act of kindness cannot be taken at face value, and instead generates nervousness and unease?
Off the Couch
No, he’s not crazy like he’s a psychiatric patient, more like he’s broken. It’s like something happened to him and his brain is broken.
Double Take
Will less-than-pristine clothing send a longtime relationship down the drain?
Off the Couch
“The daily pressures required so much of us just to stay alive. There was no free moment to worry about what would be”