Latest tastes like shabbos
tastes like shabbos
Family Table Readers
tastes like shabbos
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
tastes like shabbos
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
tastes like shabbos
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
tastes like shabbos
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
Teen Feature
Teens' insights on what works, what doesn’t, and how they find and create inspiration in daily life
Bashie Lisker
Teen Feature
We sat down with a few principals from various schools to hear about the ins and outs of their job
Bashie Lisker
Knesset Channel
Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, ahead of DC trip: “The most important diplomatic visit of my life”
Avi Blum, ESQ
Knesset Channel
If this crisis brings down the government, it will be Ben Gvir who takes the decisive step
Avi Blum, ESQ
In Other News
Covid, in addition to causing immense loss of life, disrupted the world’s supply chain of products and services
Omri Nahmias
In Other News
It is clear that the Regents are determined to exert their control over private schools for the first time
Yochonon Donn
For the Record
Rav Yitzchak Isaac HaLevi Herzog: chief rabbi of Eretz Yisrael under the British Mandate, and first chief rabbi of the State of Israel
Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer
The Moment
To thank Hashem, Who had soaked the grounds in preparation for this very day
Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz
Story Supplement
It’s a great Haggadah, I realize. Just not the best one for me
Rochel Samet
Story Supplement
He was stuck, stuck, stuck with nowhere to go. His plans and ideas were good ones, all of them, but they were just plain useless if he didn’t have money
Chaya Rosen
More tastes like shabbos
tastes like shabbos

Rebbetzin Frieda Halberstam (née Rubin) was born and raised in Poland, and spent five bitter cold and difficult years in Siberia during World War II. Even in Siberia, she did everything she could to avoid working on Shabbos. Frieda lost her father and some of her siblings in the war. After the war, she and

By Sarah Faygie Berkowitz

tastes like shabbos

Photo Credit: Baila Rochel Leiner “At the center of a home filled with chesed and love, our mother, Rebbetzin Miriam Belsky, stood side by side with our father, Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky ztz”l, in his communal work drawing talmidim and others close to Hashem,” says their eldest daughter Sarah Hindy Gross. “It’s hard to talk

By Sarah Faygie Berkowitz

tastes like shabbos

Rebbetzin Shulamit Bitton-Blau, as remembered by her children and grandchildren Maybe it was because she was an only child, born under miraculous circumstances to her holy parents, Rav Shimon and Beya Cohen, that led to a lifelong joie de vivre for Rebbetzin Shulamit Bitton-Blau. Perhaps it was the massive and beautiful Birkas Kohanim endowed on

By Sarah Faygie Berkowitz

tastes like shabbos

There was a feeling of peace, serenity, and holiness. That’s what the guest saw that night, and what family and visitors experienced every Shabbos.

By Sarah Faygie Berkowitz

tastes like shabbos

My mother wasn’t a natural in the kitchen, and possibly, she would have rather been elsewhere.

By Chanie Nayman and Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz