Shul with a View
“All is in Hashem’s Hands, and no one suffers in This World more than he has to”
Shul with a View
I was surrounded by over five thousand men devoted to making sure no Jew feels alone
Shul with a View
I then asked the question that really had me intrigued. “Ken ich dir?”(Do I know you?)
Shul with a View
When the question was finally asked, I knew it was like no other question I had ever been asked
Shul with a View
This year at the 13th Siyum HaShas, no matter how packed the stadium is, and no matter how large the crowd, I will save a seat for Ofir.
Shul with a View
I certainly don’t know every Pnei Yehoshua. However, I am the undisputed world’s greatest parallel parking rabbi this side of the Hudson