Latest Parallel Journeys
Parallel Journeys
Batsheva Eichelberg
Silent Heroes
"Yes, it’s all true, and this is what makes yeshivah cooks heroes. But Zev is the leader of them all”
Shoshana Itzkowitz
Silent Heroes
In my heart of hearts, I was envious of each of them. They were touching souls and elevating spirits
Yocheved Kreps
Simply Organized
After latkes and doughnuts, why not indulge in the gift of breathing space?
Miriam Yafit
Simply Organized
Let’s transform your personal space into zen and peaceful rather than cloudy and stressful
Miriam Yafit
Tzivy owns me, and like a puppy, I remain hers, exclusively. As told to Batsheva Eichelberg Ten minutes left until the global regent. The Byzantine Empire — I don’t know this part. I skim my notes, frantically committing names and dates to memory. That’s when Tzivy breezes over. “Oh, perfect! I should probably read some of
Raquel Goldish
2.0 Feature
Bored? Uninspired? Itching for change? It’s never too late to recalibrate
Shira Werblowsky
2.0 Feature
For chassidic techie Chaim Landau, uploading chareidi tech power is win-win  
Rivka Streicher
Sivan Rahav-Meir finds common ground wherever she lands
Sivan Rahav-Meir
Mission. Each and every one of us, wherever we are, is a soldier with a singular purpose and mission
Sivan Rahav-Meir
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Parallel Journeys

Tzivy owns me, and like a puppy, I remain hers, exclusively.

By Batsheva Eichelberg