Latest Minhag Match-up
Minhag Match-up
Chanie Apfelbaum
Minhag Match-up
Chavi Feldman
Minhag Match-up
Sina Mizrahi
Minhag Match-up
Chanie Nayman
Minhag Match-up
Naomi Nachman
Out of Step
The resilience she’s built up from overcoming her pain will help her go so far
Ariella Schiller
Out of Step
"I kind of had a crash course this year in growing up. You won’t know this, Deeny-beany, but I used to dance"
Ariella Schiller
The Art of the Deal
White House envoy Avi Berkowitz traces the story behind the historic Israel-UAE deal
Gedalia Guttentag
The Art of the Deal
The diplomatic coup announced by Trumpian tweet last week to a stunned world began only a few months ago on the olive-green hills of Judea and Samaria
Gedalia Guttentag
Stranger in a Strange Land
“What about your second Pesach Seder? I usually have American bochurim. Come to me”
Shoshana Gross
Stranger in a Strange Land
“I can’t imagine what it would have been like to raise our children in any other city”
Russy Tendler
Yosef Chaim
Food and Prop Styling by Goldie Stern Photography by Moshe Wulliger While I didn’t grow up eating gebrochts, my father always made matzah brei on the last day of Pesach when we could get our matzah wet. When I was assigned to Naomi for the minhag swap, I was excited to do something out of
Shira Yehudit Djalilmand
Yosef Chaim
"What period in Jewish history would you like to go back in time to — and what would you do differently if you were there?!”
Shira Yehudit Djalilmand
Cut ‘n Paste
My family and I are still reeling — although we’ve seen many miracles over the past few months
Rochel Burstyn
Cut ‘n Paste
Seeing one’s father cry is an intense experience. I feel it to this very day
Rabbi Binyomin Friedman
More Minhag Match-up
Minhag Match-up

Food and Prop Styling by Goldie Stern Photography by Moshe Wulliger These fluffy, sweet pancakes are the perfect thing to serve for your hungry morning crowd. Since I swapped minhagim with Chanie (who uses almost nothing on Pesach!), I had to find a way to make these filling and tasty as well. Using somemashed potatoes

By Faigy Grossman