Latest Jr. Tales
Jr. Tales
Chaya Rosen
Jr. Tales
Hadar Nudel
Jr. Tales
Rivkah Small
Jr. Tales
Malka Grunhaus
Jr. Tales
Chaya Rosen
A Gift Passed Along
And that was it. Zeide was forced to simply step over the body and keep marching without pause
Adina Stilerman
A Gift Passed Along
“You, my friend, should be walking around with a camera all day”
Nachman Hellman
With the conviction that we are nothing, we declare Him King
Rabbi Menachem Nissel
It's the small acts that make big people
Rabbi Menachem Nissel
Jr. Serial
How long will we be trapped here, anyway? What if the men don’t come back for days? Will we starve?
Rochel Samet
Jr. Serial
Except that… it doesn’t look like the Abba I know. It’s him, but without a beard. And without a yarmulke
Rochel Samet
Reel Chronicles
“Obviously, our mission statement and goal remain the same, but we need to find a new way to express them”
Moshe Shindler
Reel Chronicles
“If we reenact the story in an engaging way, we can get the messaging out subtly. That would resonate”
Moshe Shindler
House of Mirrors
One year later, Laylee smiles… I’m going to enjoy this, she thinks to herself
Rachael Lavon
House of Mirrors
“If you really want to make a difference, the great Laylee Beloff should blog about making meaningful connections with family members, no matter their size or school”
Rachael Lavon
More Jr. Tales
Jr. Tales

I really did not feel bad waking her. But the rest of the bunk was mad at me, too

By Aidel Loeb

Jr. Tales

My brothers had great self-esteem, while I was always struggling to find a reason to feel good about myself

By Y. Bromberg

Jr. Tales

“Want to have an adventure?” I stopped. What was he talking about? Grabbing my hand, he whispered, “Let’s go. Fast! Before they turn off the lights!”

By Leeba Leichtman

Jr. Tales

“Why do you think it’s a time machine?” Sruly asked, one eyebrow raised

By Malka Winner

Jr. Tales

“I am a boy, but no one calls me ‘Boy’ as my name, so why are animals called things like ‘Bunny’ if they’re a rabbit or ‘Ketzele’ if they’re a cat?”

By Rivka Small

Jr. Tales

Goldy remembered not to jump from excitement; she just jiggled from foot to foot. Finally, they were getting carpet!

By Tzipie Wolner