“In no way can we excuse this couple from not knowing ‘what a monster Hitler would become’ “
“Instead of suggesting how to avoid getting thrown off planes, why not stress that flying is a great opportunity to follow the rules, be kind and courteous, and make a kiddush Hashem?”
“Just like putting on your own oxygen mask first isn’t something to feel guilty about, neither is proper self-care”
“May Hashem continue giving His nation tools to enhance and enrich Torah life, and the ability for us each to make the right choices in their use”
“It’s been a bit over a year on a roller coaster, and one of the few constants has been your magazine: the familiar voices, the solid message of emunah and ahavas Yisrael, and the entertaining articles” Alive and Well [Text Messages / Issue 853] I read Eytan Kobre’s defense of “frumspeak” with glee. Aside
“If someone asks me where my sister is, I can simply say that she is in rehab. There is no shame in that”