Family First Inbox
“With brave people like you sounding the alarm, hopefully by the time my children are parents, it will change. It must change”
Family First Inbox
“I wanted to give up. I still might want to give up. But getting a glimpse into the other side of the story gave me the chizuk I needed”
Family First Inbox
“To someone who isn’t an addict, this story may make addicts seem like dumb people who need an extra energy boost and then fall into addiction”
Family First Inbox
“We are human; we are trying our best, and we juggle hectic lives. Redting shidduchim is a passion and priority, but we’re human”
Family First Inbox
“When you abuse someone physically, you hurt their body; when you abuse someone spiritually, you destroy their soul”
Family First Inbox
Almost every frum Jew today has someone in their life who is at risk of being cremated