Latest Family First Editor's Letter
Family First Editor's Letter
Bassi Gruen
Family First Editor's Letter
Bassi Gruen
Family First Editor's Letter
Bassi Gruen
Family First Editor's Letter
Bassi Gruen
Family First Editor's Letter
Bassi Gruen
Every Song Has Its Story
Do we ever think much about, or even know, what motivated our favorite song?
Riki Goldstein
Every Song Has Its Story
“In place of a sefer Torah,” he told the group, “let us carry this child, who represents the future of the Jewish people”
Riki Goldstein
Food that Packs
While working on our “Impressions” theme, I found myself thinking about that cholent "We really enjoyed your cholent.” The sweet newlywed we’d had for the Shabbos seudah was on the line. “Can you give me the recipe?” “Sure. First sauté lots of onion and garlic…” As I spoke, my mind wandered to my own shanah
Rivky Kleiman
Food that Packs
While working on our “Impressions” theme, I found myself thinking about that cholent "We really enjoyed your cholent.” The sweet newlywed we’d had for the Shabbos seudah was on the line. “Can you give me the recipe?” “Sure. First sauté lots of onion and garlic…” As I spoke, my mind wandered to my own shanah
Rivky Kleiman
On My Shelf: Pesach Theme 5783
Writers share the backstory of the prized possession they’ll keep forever 
Rachel Bachrach
“Please know, my dear sisters, that your children’s struggle can never be explained by any ingredients”
Mishpacha Readers
“Unfortunately, even most mental health master’s programs do not teach about spousal abuse”
Mishpacha Readers
Can This Business Be Saved?
"Employees perform at the lowest standard you set. When you raise the bar, most will rise to the challenge"
Isaac Bardos
Can This Business Be Saved?
with business coach and strategist Isaac Bardos
Isaac Bardos
More Family First Editor's Letter
Family First Editor's Letter

Every loss bring sadness, every change requires a response

By Bassi Gruen

Family First Editor's Letter

Two weeks ago, Ahava penned these words: “Saadya, you are the most positive person who ever walked the face of this earth”

By Bassi Gruen

Family First Editor's Letter

This column was created through you and for you

By Bassi Gruen

Family First Editor's Letter

I used to feel a slight sense of failure as I deleted the fancy dishes that never materialized. Today, I look at it as a triumph of sorts

By Bassi Gruen

Family First Editor's Letter

Rosh Hashanah, a Yom Tov measured not by how much time we spend in shul, but by how much we allowed Hashem’s light to shine in us and through us

By Bassi Gruen

Family First Editor's Letter

Shabbos makes us stop. Think. Notice. Experience. Reflect

By Bassi Gruen