| Make Her Day: Chanukah 5782 |

Make Her Day: Chanukah 5782

Enjoy a glimpse at the joy they sparked
Mishpacha thanks our generous sponsors for their meaningful donations to Make Her Day



Refresh your memory:

Chedva came into our lives two years ago after the passing of her incredible foster mother. She has special needs and many medical complications, including severe osteopenia, which means she fractures her bones very easily. All of this doesn’t stop her from loving every second of life. She’s always smiling, laughing, cracking jokes.

Chedva loves going to parks, but they’re just too dangerous for her. Aside from the worries about germs, any push from another child could result in fractured bones. Chedva brings so much sunshine into the world; can you help me bring some sunshine into her life by giving her the chance to play on a swing set?


We reached out to Swing It Playsets, a leading brand as committed to bringing joy into children’s lives as they are safe and healthy fun. We were so thrilled by their immediate enthusiasm. Their experts recommended a setup and accessories that would be appropriate for Chedva’s special needs and the family’s yard — and thanks to them, Chedva can finally do what so many children take for granted.

I don’t think any of us really believed this was all real until it was actually set up in our backyard. It’s just such a huge prize. When my daughter entered the contest and requested a swing set, she did it almost as a joke. When she called to tell me we won, I don’t think any of us were expecting it to show up. Yet here it is! We chose blue and white for the awning, and it’s custom fit to our backyard.

It’s a hug from Hashem, wrapping us up at the exact moment we were going through a difficult time. Throughout our daily lives, we always see His Presence so clearly. And these extra touches feel like affirmations that we’re on the right path.

A swing set can be viewed as an “extra,” a nonessential. But when our daughter’s health is completely out of our control, it’s up to us how happy and content they can be. Chedva came home from school unhappy, so I told both my girls about the swing set. Racheli, who also has special needs and isn’t so active, got so excited. She said, “Yes! We swing together!” That perked Chedva up. The girls hugged and Chedva took Racheli’s arm and pumped it in the air. I’m excited for them, thrilled to be able to give them something so huge.


Refresh your memory:

My sibling passed away several years ago. Since then, I believe our family values each other more than the average family. We know the feeling of loss. My parents are the strongest people I know — they continue to function even while a piece of them is literally in the ground.

Whenever I ask my mother what I can buy for her, she says, “You coming to visit is the present.” Time with her children is the most precious gift I could give her — but we all live far apart. I’d love to have a family reunion over Shabbos, fully catered so that my mother can relax like a queen and just enjoy being with us.


We wanted to give this special family time together — and to make sure they’d be able to enjoy it. We knew that Lakewood Hosts would be able to make this happen. With a reputation for stellar service, and homes to fit all needs and budgets, guests of Lakewood Hosts can rest assured, knowing they’re in professional, reliable hands.

The family Shabbos we had was really amazing! Lakewood Hosts went above and beyond to make us feel right at home in one of their beautiful houses. Their customer service and level of professionalism were outstanding. They provided us with a fully catered Shabbos and anything else we could possibly have needed. What an incredible company!

The reunion Shabbos away was the perfect idea to make my parents’ day, and I could tell it did a lot more than just that. May you be zocheh to keep spreading happiness!


Refresh your memory:

When I was one and a half, my parents divorced. Being a single mom couldn’t have been easy, but my mother did it with so much grace, it seemed simple. She took care of everything, meeting all our physical and emotional needs.

As I grew older, I noticed that most divorced homes didn’t look like mine. In my home, my mother never bashed my father. She was never down or depressed; she took her situation and rocked it!

When my father passed away, my mother went above and beyond by letting me and my sister sit shivah in her home, being a true hostess to all those who came to be menachem avel. She held our hands as well as our hearts.

I wish I could make her day by giving her a gift certificate to a Judaica store, so she can get more of the inspirational books she enjoys — just a small way to show her how much I love her and look up to her.


When you’re looking for inspiration, there’s no better source than ArtScroll/Mesorah, the company that transformed today’s Jewish life by making Torah easily accessible to everyone. ArtScroll/Mesorah generously offered our winner a tour of their offices, to let her see where it all starts, as well as new seforim and books to help her continue down her path of learning and growth.

Our tour of ArtScroll was wonderful. We made it into a mother/daughter day, and had the best time. As book lovers, it was eye-opening to see how much work goes into the creation of everything, from siddurim and Gemaras to books.

Our “tour guide,” Rabbi Hisiger, gave a great tour. We witnessed the printing process from start to finish and met people “behind the scenes.” Every Jewish home is filled with ArtScroll and it was incredible to see how much effort goes into making everything. After a lovely time, we received the latest books and an already sold-out cookbook as parting gifts.

It truly “made my day,” leaving us feeling happy and relaxed.


Refresh your memory:

We have a special-needs and medically fragile daughter. For the sake of the rest of our family, we moved her to a facility, a tremendously hard decision. My wife makes the three-hour round trip to visit her each week… it’s physically and emotionally draining. My wife is an amazing woman. I know she’d so appreciate to just be treated for once — to go away for a day or two, to be pampered.


DansDeals was founded to help people get free stuff, find bargains, and travel the world affordably. We knew they’d be the perfect people to help the Cohens find a trip — and they were, sending the Cohens to a beachfront hotel in Miami for a chance to recharge and rejuvenate.

We’re so grateful to DansDeals for our getaway (and to our neighbor for watching our kids!). It was truly relaxing to get away and be able to just spend time doing our own thing without the stress of being here and there on a tight schedule. We especially appreciated the amazing opportunity to see the nifla’os haBorei, from the beautiful ocean view to the alligators at the Everglades and the incredible animals at the famous Zoo Miami. It was the perfect way to recharge!


Refresh your memory:

Leah, I stepped into your life four years ago, when you were eight years old, only two years after your dear mother passed away. When I married your father, I was given the blessing of four beautiful children. As your stepmother, I always want to keep strong the connection between your past and present.

Before I met you and your siblings for the first time, I davened at your mother’s tziyun; we were forming a unique partnership, and I needed a powerful force behind me.

Baruch Hashem, you opened your heart to me, and I’ve watched with pride as you grew and matured. My efforts for you and your three brothers focus on healing and providing safety and love. A large part of that is cherishing your past: the woman who gave birth to you and who loved you as only a mother can.

In our drawer, where we keep all our shiny new recipe books, we also have a bulging collection of many pages of your mommy’s handwritten recipes, now yellowing and fading, many of which you remember her making, many of which you fondly recall eating and loving.

Leah, I’d love to gift you with Mommy’s recipe book, reprinted for clarity, but with the originals scanned — so you can enjoy a lifetime of kitchen memories and the taste of a mother’s love.


Our love so often intertwines with food. Combine that with lasting memories and flavors from the past, and we knew we had to preserve this — and we also knew that Menucha, a leading Jewish publisher with a mission to provide inspirational, educational, and entertaining kosher reading material, would be able to make this happen.

Recreating Leah’s mother’s cookbook has long been a dream of mine, and I couldn’t believe it when Mishpacha made it come true. When I told Leah about it, she was so touched; it was a beautiful moment. Menucha Publishers has been so outstanding, their level of professionalism unmatched.

This was no easy task, you know how recipes are recorded, especially by someone who put so much love into her cooking. Scrawled, crossed out, smudged, rewritten… the staff at Menucha rose to the challenge, making these precious handwritten recipes part of a beautiful book.

The publishers tried to match the cover’s color to the original recipe book cover and have so generously offered me several copies; one for Leah, two for the grandmothers, and three more for my little boys’ future wives, way down the road. Every detail is beautiful, technically and emotionally.

Some days are easier than others and being chosen for the Make Her Day contest was a nice boost; a message that we’re doing okay. The new cookbook will be a treasure, something to cherish and pass on to the next generation, and I can’t thank you enough for making it happen.


Refresh your memory:

I met my friend Rachel* over the phone, at an ATIME phone support group for women who underwent radical surgery that leaves them with no chances of bearing more children.

Rachel is such a wonderful person, but she’s grappling with serious medical issues and pekelach that are hidden from the public eye. I’d love to make her day, giving her a massage or a manicure, to give her a day of being cared for.


We’re grateful to the generous reader who sponsored a gift card to a spa, giving Rachel some of the pampering she deserves.

THANK YOU!!! for your gift, which brought tremendous joy to both of us.

Rachel recently had a major doctor’s appointment. A very scary one. That morning, she went for her pedicure. As she said, the closer the appointment looms, the more she needs to feel feminine and beautiful.  Thanks for this gift.


Refresh your memory:

Sarah is an incredible woman carrying so many burdens. Her husband suffers from a debilitating chronic illness that severely affects his ability to be a father and husband; she’s in effect a single mother to her large family, including several children with special needs. The burden of parnassah falls solely on her, and money is tight.

Sarah literally doesn’t have a moment for herself; can we give her a day that’s just for her?


A generous reader sponsored a “dream day” for Sarah, with activities, food, and the little luxuries she never allows herself, so she could recharge, and continue to care for her family with grace and strength.

Sarah recently enjoyed her dream day — she took a taxi to the Kosel (a big luxury for her!), then took a tour of a museum she’d been waiting to go to for years. She picked up lunch, then went shopping with some of the money, buying beautiful things for her home that she can’t afford on her own. She spent her afternoon in a quiet room in my home, journaling and creating art.

Having a day of her own gave her clarity, a feeling of space, and the opportunity to recharge.


Let’s Make Her Day... Again!
If you could make someone’s day, whose would it be? What would you do?
And what are you waiting for?
Let’s make it happen!

Family First’s Make Her Day is back again!

Tell us whose day you’d like to make and what you’d do! Family First will partner with select sponsors to help make their day — and brighten their life.

Selected respondents will be asked to share the details of their experience with Family First, but can choose to remain anonymous. To nominate someone, please visit mishpacha.com/makeherday or email makeherday@mishpacha.com. Nominations due December 20, 2021.

MAKE A DREAM COME TRUE Touched by what you read? Wishing you could salute another deserving woman? Please consider becoming a partner in our Make Her Day initiative, and help us bring joy into more families’ lives. Contact us at mishpacha.com/makeherday or makeherday@mishpacha.com


(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 770)

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