Latest Facets
Esther Kurtz
Esther Kurtz
Esther Kurtz
Esther Kurtz
Esther Kurtz
In His Own Words
Florist Amerique Ashear of Lakewood is happy to share his tips
Yosef Herz
True Colors
The only thing I thought I was good at was being lonely. And trust me, it’s not a good thing to be good at
Chaya Rosen
True Colors
Since when do fire alarms actually mean a fire?
Chaya Rosen
Vance stressed Israel’s strategic value to America, as well as the fact that it is a genuine ally, and not just a client state
Yonoson Rosenblum
Can it be any wonder that so many Americans have lost faith in their democracy?
Yonoson Rosenblum
Gourmet Vs. Everyday
This makes a great light, fun supper that the kids can eat quickly before running off to play
Chaya Suri Leitner and Sara Gold
Gourmet Vs. Everyday
This dish is so filling and extremely flavorful with minimal ingredients. The best part is that the filling is like a side dish!
Chaya Suri Leitner and Sara Gold
Point of View
Pesach brings a unique opportunity to take a deeper look at what our eyes are actually seeing
Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l
Point of View
The purpose of a succah is to curb the harmful influences that come with the joy of accumulating property
Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l
More Facets

“Abby, it’s so great to see you here.” I nodded and hoped she’d continue talking. And G-d bless her, she did,Facets: Chapter 19,“Abby, it’s so great to see you here.” I nodded and hoped she’d continue talking. And G-d bless her, she did

By Esther Kurtz


“Close the door behind you, please,” Rafi asked. I bowed out, closed the door, and then stood right by the door to eavesdrop,Facets: Chapter 18,“Close the door behind you, please,” Rafi asked. I bowed out, closed the door, and then stood right by the door to eavesdrop

By Esther Kurtz


“I always thought I’d marry someone like me, and we’d be a power couple. We were supposed to be the new movers and shakers”,Facets: Chapter 17,“I always thought I’d marry someone like me, and we’d be a power couple. We were supposed to be the new movers and shakers”

By Esther Kurtz


“You barely look at her, don’t thank her, and when she compliments you on the shower you can’t spit out the word thanks fast enough”,Facets: Chapter 16,“You barely look at her, don’t thank her, and when she compliments you on the shower you can’t spit out the word thanks fast enough”

By Esther Kurtz


Were Shifra and I really that different? Was it hard to believe that someone like her would be friends with someone like me? ,Facets: Chapter 15,Were Shifra and I really that different? Was it hard to believe that someone like her would be friends with someone like me?

By Esther Kurtz


This woman could not be serious. If the ring she wanted weren’t so expensive, I’d drop her right now. Money is such an annoying thing,Facets: Chapter 14,This woman could not be serious. If the ring she wanted weren’t so expensive, I’d drop her right now. Money is such an annoying thing

By Esther Kurtz