Latest Encore
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Works of Art
“Maybe we’ll do it your way in the end, but if someone else has a different idea, they’re allowed to say it!”
Zivia Reischer
Works of Art
She looked down at the canvas, moving it in the moonlight until she could see the image it held
Malka Winner
Voice in the Crowd
In moderation, there is undeniable power to a l’chayim between Yidden, shtiah shel Shabbat
Yisroel Besser
Voice in the Crowd
What is it? What’s the secret of Yigal Calek's music, the way it flows not past you, but through you?
Yisroel Besser
A few false starts, and then I felt like Rosie the Riveter, ready for anything
Goldie Shulman
When I casually mentioned a Dodgers game, his entire face lit up. Not just his eyes — his whole face
Seema Gersten
2.0 Feature
Bored? Uninspired? Itching for change? It’s never too late to recalibrate
Shira Werblowsky
2.0 Feature
For chassidic techie Chaim Landau, uploading chareidi tech power is win-win  
Rivka Streicher
All in a Day's Work
If you could work anywhere for a day, what would you choose? 6 Writers. 6 Jobs.  6 Adventures
Family First Contributors
More Encore

Now it was the third week, and almost all the bochurim had come. It was already a minhag

By Dov Haller


Shuey looked up. Sholom Wasser didn’t normally talk this way. Entailed? Given to understand? Was he in a courtroom?

By Dov Haller


The bochurim gave him confidence. They had made it fun again. Maybe the experts would hear that in his voice again — not just the power and range, but also the joy.

By Dov Haller


He didn’t even do his usual Matzav, weather forecast, Yeshiva World ritual. Instead he went straight to Chase

By Dov Haller


For a second, Shuey thought the boy was hurt, but when Shuey said, “Yeah, you,” Dovi’s face lit up and he stepped forward

By Dov Haller


Once Penina Wasser made up her mind about something, she didn’t do much second-guessing. She moved forward

By Dov Haller