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What tricks do you use to make serving and clearing in the succah easier?

What tricks do you use to make serving and clearing in the succah easier?

I try to be very organized and have everything plated in the kitchen so that we move the courses along smoothly. I find the good old serving tray comes in very handy at this time of year.

—Rivky Kleiman 

I rent all my tablecloths, and this way, I can just load them up into bags and drop them off after Yom Tov — that’s one less thing to soak, wash, hang, iron, and fold! Also, I get to have more fun with cloths than I would with what already exists in my stash. My mother came up with this idea, and it’s my fave.

—Rivki Rabinowitz 

We serve the soup from our nice china tureen, in the succah, so there’s no need to transport the individual bowls to and from. Also, we use big serving trays to carry in all the little miscellaneous things, like silverware, cups, and salt shakers. It really cuts down on the trips to clear off the table!

—Devorah Cohen 

We often use a large round table in our succah. My father-in-law built a lazy Suzan that goes in the center of the table to make passing the food around easier (and of course more fun!).

—Esther Ottensoser 

My Succos treat is buying really gorgeous paper goods and mixing some real and some disposable dishes for easier cleanup. I buy decorative colorful napkins that pick up the colors in the flower arrangement and put it under a gold leaf or floral charger (since they both have lots of holes, you see the napkin peeking through). I use clear square plates and cups but real silverware — because plastic just doesn’t “cut it!”

—Rorie Weisberg 

(Originally featured in FamilyTable, Issue 662)

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