| Make Her Day: Succos 5782 |


It’s hard to stay strong all the time — a recharge would really make her day


Made Her Day




My wife


My wife is an amazing woman. We have a special needs and medically fragile daughter. For the sake of the rest of our family, we moved her to a facility, a tremendously hard decision. My wife makes the three-hour round trip to visit her each week. Due to Covid restrictions, we can’t go together nor bring our other children. It’s physically and emotionally draining, and her being away from the rest of the family makes it difficult too.

I know she would appreciate to be treated for once. Go away for a day or two, get pampered with good food, a nice pool... Life is very draining, and it’s hard to stay strong all the time — a recharge would really make her day (and month!).

—Shloimy Cohen



Sometimes a change of scenery makes all the difference. And when it comes to travel, there’s no expert like DansDeals. “DansDeals was founded to help people get free stuff, find bargains, and to travel the world affordably,” explains JJ of DansDeals. “We’ve helped tens of thousands of families earn billions of miles that have enabled them to go on vacation and visit loved ones — all for free. We’re the trusted source for deals and credit card and points advice online; we were voted the #1 source by USA Today.

“We’re always looking to help others live their life to the fullest and see the good in Hashem’s incredible world, and we’re happy to give the Cohens an all-expenses-paid trip to Miami, to give them the chance to recharge and rejuvenate.”


(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 760)

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