Magazine Feature
Both were riding to stardom in their day — Avi with his piano and flute, and Barak with his electric guitar — when they turned their lives around and found Torah and chassidus.

By Chananel Shapiro

Magazine Feature
Rabbi Refoel Wolf Shares His Privileged View of Rav Shach

By Chaim Hager

Magazine Feature
When, How, and Where Must We Demand Proof of Jewish Identity?

By Yosef Herz

Magazine Feature
Genealogist Eric Feinstein’s meticulous sleuthing and a never-give-up attitude has uncovered family connections his clients didn’t even know existed

By Baila Rosenbaum

In the Numbers
Special Project Countdown Eight Accounts for Eight Nights

By Mishpacha Contributors

In the Numbers

By Alexandra Fleksher

In the Numbers
“He said you will definitely have two children, maybe even three.”

By Rabbi Akiva Fox

In the Numbers

By Boaz Bachrach

Family Room

By Rivki Rabinowitz

Tech Wire
"We need to weigh the positive use cases for facial recognition against growing societal concerns, especially as regulators have yet to provide clear rules.”

By Esther Kurtz

Family Reflections
It’s not your typical marriage. But it can work 

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

5 to 9
It was a painful process and took me some time to absorb the shock and sadness. I learned to strengthen my emunah and realize that when one door closes others will open

By Moe Mernick

Though our lives sometimes feel long and hard, the stories of Bereishis teach us that our lives, like the lives of our forefathers, have purpose 

By Rebbetzin Debbie Greenblatt

Made in Heaven
Your job is to be there for your spouse. To stand by their side, be on their team, regardless of what anyone else may think or say about them. 

By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier