“What can I kichel here today?”

By Bracha Stein and Chani Judowitz

5 out of 10

By Dovid Bashevkin

What do a Skverer chassid and an Amish farmer have in common besides their mode of dress?

By Margie Pensak

Counter Point
The conversation about the uneven nature of the shidduch process has drawn sustained and significant feedback. A new batch of letters is featured here

By Mishpacha Contributors

Both reports were based on the same exact evidence. Nunes told the truth; Schiff did not

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Point of View
The profound teshuvah of the Chashmonaim turned around an entire nation. Maybe ours can too

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

On Topic
What makes the experience of starting out married life in Eretz Yisrael so elevating and valuable for some couples, and so disastrous and destructive for others? 

By Avigail Rabinowitz

Text Messages
It’s possible for individuals and parties to deserve both credit and blame at the same time

By Eytan Kobre

One Day Closer
I had just decided to keep Shabbos from now on, only to discover that my family had been invited to a pool party for the weekend. Uh, rain check, G-d?

By Tzivia Richman.

One Day Closer
When a family member’s life hangs in the balance, and you sit paralyzed with fear, Tehillim provides a means to harness your nervous energy, and the words to plead with Hashem.

By Barbara Bensoussan

One Day Closer
My dedication to fulfilling my section means so much to me; I so badly need to do something for Baba.

By C.S. Teitelbaum

One Day Closer
The chavrusas: Rav Dov Freund and Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Zupnik, Kiryat Sefer

By Goldy Grossman

One Day Closer
The chavrusas: Gil Tal and Rabbi Yisrael Golombek, Moshav Ben Ami

By Yonatan Birnbaum

One Day Closer
The chavrusas: Rabbi Avrohom Weinrib and Rabbi Aryeh Feigenbaum The location: Cincinnati, OH, and Dallas, TX

By Yochonon Donn