Jr. Feature
In the summer of 2018, the entire world’s attention focused on a drama unfolding in the small, beautiful country of Thailand

By Rochel Istrin

Madame Chamberlaine
Shuly and I looked at each other. Savta Bubbleman and her tall tales! We secretly called her Savta Bubbe Maisehs

By Tzipie Wolner

True Colors
There was no way in this world — or any other — that that grandmother had gotten a dog

By Chaya Rosen

Story Time
“Here.” The captain tossed an ancient map onto Tuvia’s lap. “This is the island of my dreams"

By Y. Bromberg

Double Dance
Shoshi was quiet, and Miri felt a pang of guilt for having a healthy mother

By Bracha Rosman

Out of Step
Tears spring to my eyes as I watch the storm in stunned silence. Even the snow gets to dance

By Ariella Schiller

Shooting Stars
As long as I’m here, I’m given the strength. To endure. To survive and smile

By Shira Gold