Jr. Feature
Cool ideas for how to deal with the plastic waste we already have

By Sivi Sekula

Story Time
“I swear that I will buy every last garment you have for double the price you sell them for

By Y. Bromberg

Win or Lose
How wrong had he been. Mr. Greenbaum was anything but a silly old man. He was actually one of the most brilliant and wealthy people around

By Chaim Finkelstein

50 Reasons
“If you can make a list of 50 things that you love about Israel and living there, then you can come with me to Shlomo’s bar mitzvah”

By Ariella Stern

True Colors
“Hey, Gavriel, let’s go ahead,” I suggested to my older brother. “They’re taking too long!”

By Chaya Rosen

The Road Home
She is yelling. She is panicking. She is already crying.Then she grabs my wrist so hard it hurts“

By Malka Winner

Out of Step
I smirk. “Pori, why do you always comment? Just try to accept me, flaws and all, and you’ll have a lot less stress in your life”

By Ariella Schiller

Day in the Life
Tani Guterman is a pediatric occupational therapist who hosts a weeknight podcast called O.T. Talk with Mr. T

By Rachel Bachrach

My mind is consumed with Rosh Hashanah davening from immediately after the summer ends

By Riki Goldstein

Family Matters
Seeing an older man holding the hand of his young grandchild on the way to school brings the proverbial lump to my throat

By Joan Zlotnick

A waste of time. I’d warned Chesky. What did he think? I’d convince the Gordons to follow the takanos? Why should they?

By Esty Heller

Honoring our own parents, created b’tzelem Elokim!

By Faigy Peritzman

Connect Two
Training children to ask questions is a powerful tool. It enables them to learn constantly, about everything, wherever they are

By D. Himy, M.S. CCC-SLP and Zivia Reischer