This salad was favored by family members who wouldn’t touch quinoa any other time I made it

By Brynie Greisman

From My Table
The supplement you hold in your hands isn’t meant to add to your to-do list. Instead, our goal is to help you narrow down the options and focus on making a few new dishes

By Chanie Nayman

A Heaping Scoop
What’s your signature Rosh Hashanah round challah shape?

By Family Table Contributors

Nothing makes me contemplate starting a compost more than when I fill an entire garbage can up with greens after two minutes of cleaning a few leeks. Doesn’t stop me from using th ...

By Michal Frischman

Apples combined with cherries in a fabulous pie dough makes for a showstopper of a dessert

By Brynie Greisman

Adding meat to a side dish is always a good way to make sure you’re covered

By Michal Frischman

Seasoning the turkey with original ingredients and condiments which complement the pomegranate juice takes it to a whole new level

By Brynie Greisman

Hot honey is the finishing touch to this masterpiece

By Rivky Kleiman

The Moment
In the world of Torah, being a superhero is far from fantasy

By Yosef Herz

Worst-case scenario, I’d return the shirt. This should be simple

By Perel Grossman

Second Thoughts
It is the most widely used — and also the most widely mangled and least understood brachah

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

I smile, trying to stay polite, despite my frustration at answering this question for the 30th time

By Chaya Berger

Text Messages
A wonderful program of Gemara study called Daf Hashovua 

By Eytan Kobre

Family First Serial
So she wasn’t making it up. Her mother-in-law did think she was an irresponsible spendthrift. But she wasn’t. Was she?

By Esther Kurtz