Family First Feature
Three women share their stories of struggle, and what they did to reconnect and rebuild happier marriages

By Elisheva Luger

Family First Inbox
“To someone who isn’t an addict, this story may make addicts seem like dumb people who need an extra energy boost and then fall into addiction”

By Family First Readers

Family Tempo
Your garden is lonely without you. And so am I

By Malka Majer

A Better You
When you do need to speak with an ex, what steps can you take to defuse tense conversations and circumvent old triggers?

By Family First Contributors

To Be Honest
Why isn't my generation combating our children's chutzpah?

By Mimi Fried

Worst-case scenario, I’d return the shirt. This should be simple

By Perel Grossman

No Fail
I knew they didn’t align with my values — but I wanted the client

By Fay Dworetsky

Behind the Book
M. Kenan shows her versatility as an author, crossing cultural worlds with integrity while remaining in the modern age

By Riki Goldstein

Some were bleary-eyed and half asleep, but all the guys who’d completed the monthlong Friday learning program were there. It was really happening

By Blimi Rabinowitz

Featured here are a few ideas that can capture and enhance that Tishrei spirit

By Esther Ottensoser

The problem is not primarily with science, but with “scientism” 

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Family First Serial
“Hurrem Sultan told me she would find me a match. And I want to know if you would look in the stars and see if that will come to pass”

By Leah Gebber

Jr. Feature
There are thousands of crates, boxes and jars, all containing tiny treasures that scientists hope will save mankind in case of catastrophe

By Sivi Sekula

“As life unfolds, there are holes that appear”

By Rebbetzin Ruthy Assaf