Family First Feature
Decades of dreidels spin a tale of a family

By Sarah Moses Spero

Family First Feature
Does the mirror reveal the truth of our worth — or expose ideals built on lies?

By Family First Contributors

Family First Feature
Through her husband’s battle for his life, composer Sarah Dukes sings of faith and courage

By Musia Slavin

Family Living
Ten unexpected ways to spruce up that brown paper package

By Esti Werblowsky

I did it. I made doughnuts and latkes and just like in the song, I served it at the Chanukah candles burning bright.

By Chany Spira

Family Tempo
“Like why is this second-rate living? It’s three beautiful bedrooms, a great living room, a stunning porch…" 

By Shifra Honig

Behind the Book
Rav Aharon Margalit shares the stories of people who dropped the excuses and said "I can"

By Riki Goldstein

Some principles are universal. For your wife, buy jewelry. For rebbeim, give cash. For all other males age 13 and up I recommend my new best seller on the 2020 election, Where Are ...

By Shaina King

Rocking Horse
Should she be angry at the world? Outraged? Wanting more, wanting less. Where was goodness, if there was indeed such a thing? If not, then why did she care so much about it?

By Leah Gebber

Can you count eight days of miracles?

By Riki Goldstein

Step It Up
Sometimes everything is a big deal, every decision life changing, and every failure the end of the road. I tell myself: I just can’t let that happen!

By Mindel Kassorla

The two miracles of Chanukah were Hashem’s response to the Greek denial of a realm above nature

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Magazine Feature
Police violence was an embarrassing and uncomfortable chapter in Israel’s early history, but in the end, a hidden stash of transcripts shed light on a young bochur who would fight ...

By Menachem Pines

The Beat
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s candidate to head Yad Vashem has sparked controversy

By Eliezer Shulman