Family First Feature
What if we could step away from the power struggles, and have stronger, healthier relationships with our children? Shelley Malka is working to make this a reality

By Shoshana Schwartz

Family First Feature
Three successful entrepreneurs share how they turned a profit from doing what they love most

By Eliana Cline

My specialty turned out to be aggressive teenage boys

By Elisheva Appel

Real Life
We had so few relatives, but so much family

By Goldie Young

My parents have a baby grand piano for this purpose. I have ugly cabinets

By Mina Kaiser

We argued whose turn it was to spend Sundays with Zeidy

By Elana Rothberg

Rocking Horse
Hannah had learned quickly that there were some privileges one did not turn away

By Leah Gebber

"I had several shidduchim that were this close to happening and, boom, one party wants to follow the takanos plan, the other doesn’t, and it’s over"

By Esty Heller

Shuey wanted in. He wanted in badly. But Henny didn’t. They had five children to feed, she reminded him

By Dov Haller

What fuels the climate change activists — science or politics?

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Second Thoughts
Some call it “Orthodox,” but it simply means being a committed Jew

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

An example of Yaakov’s ability to utilize what strength he had

By Faigy Peritzman

Magazine Feature
Can a new push for a halachically compatible prenup put an end to the tragedy of agunos and often vicious divorce proceedings that drag on endlessly, causing untold pain and hurt?

By Rabbi Avrohom Neuberger

Washington Wrap
How Dems and GOP could end impeachment battle

By Omri Nahmias