Magazine Feature
From facing a family tragedy in her youth to raising her two children with special needs, Juby Shapiro-Charnowitz had significant hurdles to overcome. But with faith and tremendou ...

By Tobi Einhorn

Magazine Feature
D: Dave and Buster’s. Loud, overstimulating venue often chosen for a second or third date with no dating value other than ascertaining how your date responds in loud, overstimulat ...

By Sara Eisemann

I dare me
National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, is an annual challenge that takes place each November. Participants commit to writing daily to produce a 50,000-word novel in 30 days

By Elisheva Appel

Family Matters
Calamity is the surest test of friendship, and from its onset sets in motion a nearly foolproof process of discovering who your true friends are

By Joan Zlotnick

Family Tempo
It was obvious they were dying to know what I planned to wear, but I didn’t offer any information, and they were too polite to press me for details

By Tova Schiller

We see men running, talleisim flapping after them in the wind. We run after them, to the makeshift bomb shelters set up behind the shul

By Sara Bonchek

Center Stage
The glossy brochure paper was beginning to disintegrate under Gabriella’s sweaty fingers. Oh no. No, no, no. This could not be happening

By Gila Arnold

More or Less
No matter how much I realized I’d done wrong since I’d gotten married, how selfish and self-centered I’d been, this parallel just brought it all home

By Esther Kurtz

Who was Rav Naftali Tzvi, or Rav Naftulche as he was affectionately known? What was his connection with Rabi Shimon bar Yochai?

By F.H. Einhorn

They tell us what it is that our readers want

By Shoshana Friedman

A tragedy swept under the rug?

By Rabbi Henoch Plotnik

Second Thoughts
The classic rabbinic dictum still stands

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

How do you welcome spring in your kitchens? Salads? Berry crisps? Here's what we do in ours..

By Mishpacha Staff