How it worked: A client faces an empty chair, imagines his demon sitting in it, and speaks his thoughts and feelings with no filters
It’s a tough interview to conduct, since Rebbetzin Ackerman can’t quite figure out why I consider her achievements noteworthy
I brushed off all of my crumbs so many times, I thought. I washed all of my toys. Had it all been for nothing? After all that, we had chometz — bread! — in our house!
As I enter the waiting room of the Rebbe of Sanz-Klausenberg, I get my first signs that the inhabitant of this building has a very different currency, one far more eternal than th ...
Movin on Up
Did you know there’s an official name for speaking to people about what they do? It’s called “informational interviewing”
For these five sets of twins, shared vocations and passions keep them more connected than ever