Magazine Feature
How can we harness the positive aspects of perfectionism without succumbing to its pitfalls?

By Malkie Schulman

Magazine Feature
Looking for a sure-to-please gift for the grandkids? here’s a carefully selected roundup of nine board games sure to become family favorites

By Esther Werblowsky


By Elisheva Appel

Family Tempo
Shmuel was still laughing when they left the office. “Women on a kevarim tour! Forget Dial-a-Segulah. Need a yeshuah? Visit the Pnei Yehoshua!”

By Adina Lover

Off to the shoe store goes every mother whose husband has bein hazmanim. She takes along every one of her children who has two feet, including the baby who is bound to start walki ...

By Esty Heller

Heading toward the door, my kids stop whatever they’re doing and stare at my coat. They ask me about it; I tell them it’s the latest drop-off from Fran

By Hanna Green

Center Stage

By Gila Arnold

More or Less
What did I have that could pass for a costume, that was easily removable, and wasn’t mortifying in the first place?

By Esther Kurtz


By Rochel Burstyn

5 Myths
What do you know about Swiss banks?

By Sharon Gelbach

I watch it again and again, knowing that secrets to life are hidden in that one minute and 32-second clip. I intend to keep watching until I discover the secret

By Peshie Needleman

"You just never know who a song will reach"

By Riki Goldstein

At the Core
The food and drink that implant emunah

By Baila Vorhand

Cut ‘n Paste
Slowly the two sheets of glass were covered with names. No one questioned why. They just wrote and wrote

By Dovid Nulman