2.0 Feature
There’s a world of everything for everyone out there, but nothing for you. So, when marketing agencies create ads that talk to you — that speak your language — you’re a lot more l ...

By Esther Kurtz

Job Search
Nursing home administrators work in long-term care facilities, assisted living facilities, and retirement homes

By Gila Arnold

The Moment
I was blown away by his questions and methodical, original explanations. (He famously poses 100 questions at the beginning and proceeds to answer them)

By Mishpacha Staff

Family First Feature
Decades of dreidels spin a tale of a family

By Sarah Moses Spero

The Struggle Is the Goal
We each have our own private quests, those goals we tried — or keep trying — to achieve. As we struggle and strive, the process becomes its own destination

By Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg

The Struggle Is the Goal
We each have our own private quests, those goals we tried — or keep trying — to achieve. As we struggle and strive, the process becomes its own destination

By Yosef Zoimen

Family Tempo
“Like why is this second-rate living? It’s three beautiful bedrooms, a great living room, a stunning porch…" 

By Shifra Honig

10 Questions
Ethan Addess is an air traffic control specialist at Miami Air Route Traffic Control Center in Miami, Florida

By Rachel Bachrach