| From My Table |

From my Table

Last Friday I was talking to a friend who’s very involved in all kinds of community projects. I told her about some of the mishloach manos we worked on for the magazine, and shared some sneak previews. Her reaction surprised me. She said, “You should know, I work with some people who are really disconnected. They feel alienated and uninspired. But for some reason, they connect to shalach manos. They love that positive place to put their creative energy. It’s like you finally get a heartbeat where there was none before.”

Of course, I know this, I feel it, but it’s not flashing in front of my screen as we plan and execute the pre-Purim issues, so it was a real boost to get that reminder.

Then there are the readers on the other end of the spectrum. The ones who tell me, “Everyone wants to see [fill-in-the-blank] in the magazine.” “Everyone’s bored of [blank] already.” “We’re all over that.” In some ways, it’s the adult version of our kids telling us, “Everyone has it” — code words for “20 percent of my class has it,” just with an adult spin.

It’s refreshing to sometimes move out of “everyone” and hear from the people who appreciate, enjoy, and connect to the content we create in a way that might be slightly different or off the “everyone” track. And to all the representatives of the “everyones” out there, realize that there are many people who give me feedback advocating for their own team of “everyone,” and often, it’s feedback that’s diametrically opposed to yours.

Over the course of a Yom Tov season, we aim to reach all the “everyones,” and those who fall between the cracks too. Because a food section should really be a meeting place for, well, everyone.

Food Editor, Family Table
Editor in Chief, Kosher.com


Parsley Eggplant Dip
  • 1 eggplant, sliced into rounds
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp paprika
  • ⅛ tsp pepper
  • 1 cube frozen garlic, defrosted
  • olive oil, for drizzling
  • 3 cubes frozen parsley

Place the eggplant on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with spices, then drizzle generously with olive oil. Roast at 400°F (200°C) for 30–40 minutes. When done, remove the flesh from the centers of the rounds and transfer to a bowl. Add parsley cubes and any additional seasoning to taste. I like it without mayo, but if you prefer a creamier dip, you can add mayo at this point.

Psst. This recipe will also work well for Pesach!

Sink Brush

I recently bought this combo sink brush and counter squeegee that rests on the side of your sink. The brush side is great for cleaning the kitchen sink and the other side is perfect for an everyday squeegee job. It’s not as wide as your classic squeegee, so it takes a few more strokes, but the convenience makes it worth it.


(Originally featured in Family Table, Issue 782)

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