Is there a better way to balance our weddings and our wallets?
The project “Our Weddings, Our Wallets” examined the costs of today’s weddings, featuring industry insiders as well as perspectives from parents who’ve married off several children.
The underlying question throughout was: Is there a better way?
This project did not intend to present a neatly-tied package of solutions. As a magazine, it’s not our role to dictate communal standards. Instead, we share what worked for others, we focus on initiatives that look promising, we highlight numbers and data — but mostly we start a conversation.
What do you think? Join the conversation below.
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Shmuli Margulies is the Chairman and co-founder of Mesila, an international organization dedicated to strengthening the financial foundations of Jewish communities around the world by building a culture of financial stability and independence in homes and at work. Mesila’s primary programs include community financial education programming, elementary school through seminary/Yeshiva financial education classes, and financial management coaching for families and businesses worldwide.
Mesila has active branches across Israel, USA, and the UK, with educational programs in many more countries.
Visit or email for more information.
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