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Miriam Bloch
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Barbara Bensoussan
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Barbara Bensoussan
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Riki Goldstein
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Barbara Bensoussan
Day in the Life
Moshe Finkelstein is the owner of CrunchTime Media in Brooklyn, New York
Rachel Bachrach
Day in the Life
Yehoshua Berger is the owner of EsrogShopper.com. He’s based in Lakewood, New Jersey
Rachel Bachrach
With my voice gone, I was doomed to a life of isolation By Samuel Haft as related to Barbara Bensoussan Chapter 1 MY story begins back in 2012, as I was finishing a degree in accounting at Lander College. I was learning with my chavrusa, and after a few hours I began to feel my
Refoel Pride
Eye on Europe
To understand the turmoil facing French democracy, we spoke with French political analyst Jean-Yves Camus
Yaacov Lipszyc
Eye on Europe
One of the most controversial and consequential laws in modern history
Y. Davis
Cooks Compete
Corn salad is an easy side dish to turn to when you need something quick and easy
Family Table Readers
Cooks Compete
With my voice gone, I was doomed to a life of isolation By Samuel Haft as related to Barbara Bensoussan Chapter 1 MY story begins back in 2012, as I was finishing a degree in accounting at Lander College. I was learning with my chavrusa, and after a few hours I began to feel my
Family Table Readers
On your Mark
Chaplain and grief counselor Tamar Stein brings hope and compassion to patients and families, easing the fear of final transitions
Shoshana Gross
On your Mark
Madeleine Isenberg deciphers old matzeivos and connects people with their ancestors and family history
Shoshana Gross
More True Account
True Account

Desperate to save them, a trauma therapist stayed on the line for 12 hours until help arrived

By Rabbi Nachman Seltzer

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I knew right then that if I was saved, I would do complete teshuvah

By Chananel Shapiro

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I was a Jew, I knew that, but I’d also copped out on my people, my team. As a Jew, did I have the heart of a field mouse?

By Cindy Scarr

True Account

If our son was in the ER with a collapsed lung, how could vaping be safe?

By Yocheved Zerfman

True Account

I pledged to be a halachic Jew in time for my son’s bar mitzvah

By Rivka Streicher

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She had the illness, but it never had her

By Rivka Streicher