Latest True Account
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Rivka Streicher
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Chananel Shapiro
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Ariella Schiller
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Sharon Gelbach
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Rivka Streicher
Diplomatic Notes
Iran and Saudi Arabia reestablishing diplomatic relations via a Chinese-brokered agreement is disturbing on many fronts
Gedalia Guttentag
Diplomatic Notes
Malcolm Hoenlein's privileged take on the world's power players
Malcolm Hoenlein
Bricks and Ladders
"We decided that if any of you aren’t happy in Stonesworth, we’ll try to make it work so that you can go to school in Brownsfeld"
Ariella Schiller
Bricks and Ladders
Back to school tomorrow. When I left I’d been part of the most popular clique in school and now I’m returning alone, a nobody, ashamed and mortified
Ariella Schiller
This was the first time that working hard, fast, and creatively would get me in trouble.
Chef Suzie Gornish
Second Thoughts
Today the title Gaon is loosely bandied about by ad writers and journalists
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Second Thoughts
It is precisely this emphasis on Jewish uniqueness and distinctiveness that makes many Jews uncomfortable
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Double Dance
I thought Ta likes him to be homeschooled. What made him decide to send him?”
Bracha Rosman
Double Dance
“Punishing her isn’t going to make her feel bad for what she did. It’s just going to make her feel bad that she was caught”
Bracha Rosman
More True Account
True Account

I was like the living dead — here, but not here. Not for myself, nor for others

By Rivka Streicher

True Account

I was able to have a  sefer Torah written, as I had intended when I witnessed its protection on Kristallnacht

By Riki Goldstein

True Account

“Shayna does have some hearing loss. But we have a solution,”

By Chaya Rosen

True Account

The choking guilt would incapacitate me for hours at a time. G-d is in charge, they’d all tell me, and while my mind knew they were right, my heart countered with But what if…, and it always had the final say.

By Yael Schuster

True Account

We could spring our grandson from jail if we’d wire a stash of cash. Sounds like a scam? We thought so, too…until he got on the phone

By Cindy Scarr

True Account

“My story is one more proof that HaKadosh Baruch Hu doesn’t abandon us, even in the darkest places”

By Hadas Afik