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Refoel Pride
The girls fist-bumped and smiled smugly. Mali brandished a toothpick. “Kol chassan…” she stage-whispered. Elisheva giggled
Chaya Rosen
If anyone ever wondered how different two brothers could be, they could come look at Nachi and Yudi for their answer
Rochel Samet
A Gift Passed Along
And that was it. Zeide was forced to simply step over the body and keep marching without pause
Adina Stilerman
A Gift Passed Along
“You, my friend, should be walking around with a camera all day”
Nachman Hellman
I spent an incredible Shabbos in Great Neck with the Persian community
Sivan Rahav-Meir
The 53,000-square-foot Friendship Circle of New Jersey (FCNJ) is unlike anything I’ve seen before
Sivan Rahav-Meir
She made me go out with a blockhead, but she can’t make me marry him
Esther Shemtov
I had a ring and a sheitel — and the weight that was still at the forefront of my mind
Goldie Marks
Kashrus Alert: A Mashgiach's Travels
There are bunch of potential kashrus problems with eggs
Chaya Rosen
Kashrus Alert: A Mashgiach's Travels
A good mashgiach learns to trust his feelings. Hashem sends them, directly from Heaven
Chaya Rosen
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Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel ztz”l, Rosh Yeshivas Mir

By Yisroel Besser


Rav Shach was the zakein par excellence. He filled the role of Klal Yisrael’s Elder for decades using the arichas yamim he was granted to be our link to greatness.

By Rabbi Yaakov Feitman


The Legacy of Rebbetzin Vichna Kaplan

By Danielle Leibowtz


Known simply as “Aba” to those he worked with, including members of the Conference of European Rabbis, where he recently served as executive director, he was loved and respected as a good “Aba” for his unflagging support. But when a fundamental principle of Yiddishkeit was at stake he could also be a fighter, as those who knew Aba Dunner well can attest

By Binyamin Rose


Rav Michel Shurkin Shares An Insider’s View

By Eytan Kobre


Three physicians who merited personal access to Rav Moshe recall the giant who served as the era’s halachic beacon

By Dr. Meir Levin