“Ribbono shel Olam, allow us to daven to You the way we are used to…”
Rav Pam politely and firmly insisted that they pull over to tend to the baby’s needs Rabbi Naftali Miller, National Director of Development for Agudath Israel, is also a founder of Chasdei Lev, charged with overseeing this chesed superpower. The logistics are intricate and complex, and pre-Yom Tov planning meetings for a massive food
I’ve found the psychological and clinical analysis of what causes bad habits (and how to obtain good habits) to be incredibly apropos in preparing for Elul and for general growth in ruchniyus.
There was little to say in the face of Divine judgment, but the message posted by Reb Yidel Brill, Lazer’s father, spoke volumes.
In the Old Yishuv, it was a bit anomalous for a woman to exert so much influence on public policy and education.
Until what age were children raised on the stone courtyards and why until that age? A question on the daily daf yomi, one of several featured each morning on the digital billboard at Monsey’s Khal Avreichim.