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Speechless Moments
Adina Lover
Speechless Moments
Adina Lover
Speechless Moments
Adina Lover
Speechless Moments
Adina Lover
Speechless Moments
Adina Lover
Slices of Life
He was just a man with calloused hands, shaping falafel balls, and making a parnassah
Shloimy Hoffman
Slices of Life
How did she get such remarkable blueberries, each one perfect?
Yaakov Rosenblatt
All I Ask
Soon after the first chapters were published, the questions and doubts came
Ruti Kepler
All I Ask
Tell him. Right now. Say the words Dad asked you to say. Just say it! Quick, before it’s too late!
Ruti Kepler
Podcast: The Rose Report
I don’t like making predictions about the news. There are too many variables. Too many players. There’s the Hand of G-d who intervenes in ways that we can never forecast.  But I’ve been a newsman since the 1970s and I’ve covered comparable stories over many decades. Some stories blow up. Some blow over. Sometimes we see signs in advance, so I will suggest a few things to watch that may give us clarity for 2022.
Binyamin Rose
Podcast: The Rose Report
Before voting for Trump again, or welcoming his Orthodox Jewish advisors back with open arms, or even voting for Bibi again, their clumsy diplomacy should be held against them
Binyamin Rose
The night of the speech, I still couldn’t talk. But I couldn’t cancel, either Rochel Goldbaum Popular teacher, dating coach, lecturer Denver, Colorado   Two years ago, I arranged a conference in the Catskills for Mikvah USA’s educational division. The week before the conference, I got sick. With a conference to run, I didn’t have
Raquel Goldish
The night of the speech, I still couldn’t talk. But I couldn’t cancel, either Rochel Goldbaum Popular teacher, dating coach, lecturer Denver, Colorado   Two years ago, I arranged a conference in the Catskills for Mikvah USA’s educational division. The week before the conference, I got sick. With a conference to run, I didn’t have
Faigy Grossmann
More Speechless Moments
Speechless Moments

I, on the other hand, hoped that my tone didn’t convey my disbelief at her naiveté

By Adina Lover

Speechless Moments

She was stopped by her mother’s voice saying, “Raizele, no. There will be better times”

By Adina Lover

Speechless Moments

There was one moment when I could respond only with silence

By Adina Lover

Speechless Moments

“I’m so scared! I can’t go back there. The yetzer hara will get me!”

By Adina Lover