Latest Software Savvy
Software Savvy
Esther Kurtz and Liora Waxman
Software Savvy
Esther Kurtz and Liora Waxman
Software Savvy
Esther Kurtz and Liora Waxman
Software Savvy
Esther Kurtz and Liora Waxman
10 Questions
Aharon Mezei is the owner of Passaic's Safer Escape, which resells the Modum Fire Escape Ladder
Rachel Bachrach
10 Questions
Dovid Fine is the founder and CEO of Recharge: Vacation Relief Fund in Toronto, Canada
Rachel Bachrach
Sivan Rahav-Meir finds common ground wherever she lands
Sivan Rahav-Meir
If Only You Knew
"There’s a conception out there that policemen walk around shooting wantonly. In my experience and training, that’s hardly the truth"
Chaya Inselburg
Tech Talk
The demands on the modern-day religious woman pull her in 30 different directions at all times. We move on to the next task without finishing the first
Aliza Feder
Tech Talk
I researched until I felt like I had an accurate grasp of the studies and concerns. And I came to the conclusion that tackling this topic directly is important — and impossible.
Aliza Feder
Would you rather be part of a large chevreh or have one special best friend? Many teens have asked themselves this question
Devora Zheutlin, MA, CAS
When faced with hard moments, remember the following: Many meaningful conversations are “charged” with discomfort
Devora Zheutlin, MA, CAS
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Empower your business with smart software choices

By Esther Kurtz and Liora Waxman

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Shlomo needs a project management solution

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People often assume these are two names for the same thing. Big mistake

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This column unpacks the role of software, what it can do for you, how to approach it, the questions to ask, and what it looks like put into action

By Esther Kurtz and Liora Waxman