Melberg was pleasant and friendly, not too much of a know-it-all as to be irritating, but assertive enough that most of the members knew who he was
“I’m not happy, Malky,” he said finally. “I thought this would be our trip. We can use it, no?”
But still, this— a black and gray beaver with a shocked expression on its face— was a weird way to show your husband you took him seriously
CJ Korman was normal? The guy who kept a full-time gardener on staff? Who had taken his family to Iceland for Pesach? Who had an alarm on his whiskey collection?
By her reckoning, the business should have been a failure, but she did the numbers and there was no question that the JS Spectra Fund was doing well
Bauer made a sticking-tongue-out emoji, to which Sitman responded by writing “lol” and Kivi was reminded, again, that he hadn’t arrived yet