Outside Chance
“I’m going to skip my introduction. If you paid for this course, you know what you’re getting”
Avi knew Heshy could be brash and over-confident, but he also knew that Heshy Labinsky had done this before, more than once
All I Ask
Tell him. Right now. Say the words Dad asked you to say. Just say it! Quick, before it’s too late!
All I Ask
“Bugi said there was no sense in our going without him. He says he knows how Lulu’s mind works much better than we do”
Outside Chance
I gave Avrumi a look. “You’re not getting this, Chaim told me this and then said, ‘Well, now I’m a lo yutzlach’ ”
Always, the subject of Shuey’s job was taboo. They could talk about anything, but not that