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Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Make Her Day: Pesach 5782
Together with some generous sponsors, you helped to: Make Her Day; Pesach 5782
Ariella Schiller
20 Questions for 20 Years
Deputy editor Rachel Bachrach pulls the strings from her home in Cincinnati, Ohio, using her Masters in Journalism
Riki Goldstein
20 Questions for 20 Years
Chava works as Production Manager, making the magic happen weekly for eager readers
A Heaping Scoop
Do you have any tricks to keeping flowers fresh throughout Yom Tov?
Family Table Contributors
A Heaping Scoop
What’s a quick-but-special dinner you make when you want to go all out, like on Rosh Chodesh?
Family Table Readers
At the Core
Our faith may be dimmed but it can always reignite
Baila Vorhand
At the Core
What distinguishes our chochmah from the wisdom of the Greeks?
Baila Vorhand
Shul of My Youth
Rabbi Paysach Krohn remembers the shul of his youth
Baila Rosenbaum
Shul of My Youth
For some reason my father chose to become a member at Dukes Place, and that was our shul
Riki Goldstein
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The year went on and the disillusionment grew only stronger. The little family felt very, very alone

By Shoshana Friedman


Why are so many Israelis still clamoring for an agreement? The easy answer is their hatred of Bibi

By Shoshana Friedman


In your moment of greatest peril, we were eons away from that shining vision of unity

By Shoshana Friedman


The past few weeks, the people of Israel have been living with constant tension — but they’re also a nation on vacation

By Shoshana Friedman


When you live in a country surrounded by genocidal enemies, it helps to be tough

By Shoshana Friedman


Is this what happens when one Jew feels endangered by his brother’s very identity? Is this what the air felt like before the Churban?

By Shoshana Friedman