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Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Purim 5784
With striped hats and hyped cats, these classics reinvent themselves
Mishpacha Contributors
Purim 5784
Daas Balabatim You Can Trust
Mishpacha Contributors
Concentric Circle
Already by Birchos haShachar I’ve remembered eight urgent things to do
Esther Sender
Concentric Circle
Separation is extremely complicated and highly dangerous in most cases — often one or both twins doesn’t make it.
Jr.s Unite to Fight Coronavirus
Send us your experiences, kabbalos, and activity ideas during the coronavirus lockdown, and watch this space!
Jr. Readers
Jr.s Unite to Fight Coronavirus
Send us your experiences, kabbalos, quips, and activity ideas during the coronavirus lockdown, and watch this space!
Jr. Contributors
Stranger in a Strange Land
“What about your second Pesach Seder? I usually have American bochurim. Come to me”
Shoshana Gross
Stranger in a Strange Land
“I can’t imagine what it would have been like to raise our children in any other city”
Russy Tendler
Yiddishe Gelt
“We always celebrate birthdays, but we don’t overdo it. It’s all about getting together, learning something, making a hachlatah, making a l’chayim, making a shehecheyanu”
Rochel Burstyn
Yiddishe Gelt
How much do you fork over when dining out?
Mishpacha Readers
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If we stop projecting our own take, what new discoveries and understandings will we glean?

By Shoshana Friedman


Our editors prove their ability to straddle both skill sets

By Shoshana Friedman


That should have meant it was too late to include any tribute. But maybe not?

By Shoshana Friedman


When I left the office around midnight with one of our graphic designers, she asked me, “If you start planning so early, why are we here so late?”

By Shoshana Friedman


For editors to do their job, writers have to be receptive to feedback 

By Shoshana Friedman


A crowd of teenage boys is waiting at the bus stop, each with a suitcase at his side

By Shoshana Friedman