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C. Rosenberg
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C. Rosenberg
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Esther Ilana Rabi
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Rayle Rubenstein
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Michal Eisikowitz
Fruits of Kindness
A bus ticket, a care package, a haircut — the items were small, the caring behind them enormous. A small seed sprouted and grew tall. Twenty readers share acts of giving
Family First Readers
Editor's Letter
Maybe the ultimate strength of Stories is their unique ability to wrangle with the soul
Rachael Lavon
Editor's Letter
You struggle and toil and build, and then it all comes down, but perhaps that’s the point. Perhaps the glory is in the effort, not the result
Yisroel Besser
Personal Accounts
“Finding a spouse who doubles as a best friend is a wonderful goal but it’s not the basic definition of ‘marriage’ or ‘soulmate’ ” says Rabbi Moshe Hauer a well-known speaker and rav of Congregation Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion in Baltimore. “If a couple respects and appreciates each other the relationship can still be strong
Mishpacha Contributors
Personal Accounts
This year, this niggun was an anthem because we showed it. He’s always there for us, but this year, we were there for Him too.
Yisroel Besser
Mesorah Quest
How did a clandestine Jewish community in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro stay under the radar for so many decades?
Ari Greenspan
Mesorah Quest
High on isolated Indian cliffs, the Bnei Menashe are almost living Jewish
Ari Greenspan
Stranger in a Strange Land
“What about your second Pesach Seder? I usually have American bochurim. Come to me”
Shoshana Gross
Stranger in a Strange Land
“I can’t imagine what it would have been like to raise our children in any other city”
Russy Tendler
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Feeding, changing, bath time, bedtime. PTA, a cake for the neighbors, another load of laundry. The whirlwind spins faster and faster. How can we reclaim our selves?

By Leah Gebber

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Shul rebbetzins give of their time, their energy, their family life — and yet, they say, they wouldn’t have it any other way.

By C.B. Lieber

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Could The Nurtured Heart approach — focusing on what is right in each moment — stop the negativity and misbehavior in my home? The answer was yes.

By Chana Klein

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How can retired men make a smooth adjustment to their new lives, navigate the psychological transition, learn to restructure their days, and open themselves up to possibilities they couldn’t have seen in an earlier stage in life?

By Machla Abramovitz

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Couples whose marriages have spanned five decades and beyond have much wisdom to share about the process – of building a relationship and growing older together.

By C.B. Lieber

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Parents sometimes spend years treating a condition their child isn’t even suffering from. How to prevent a misdiagnosis — from finding the right evaluator to avoiding common pitfalls.

By C. Rosenberg