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Esther S. Leshkowitz
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Riki Goldstein
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Esther Kurtz
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Yosef Lustig
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Rachel Bachrach
Diplomatic Notes with Malcolm Hoenlein
As Iran dashes for the bomb, Israel may be preparing to act
Gedalia Guttentag
Diplomatic Notes with Malcolm Hoenlein
Any threat to the unity of Jerusalem under Jewish control is not something that Israel or world Jewry can yield to
Gedalia Guttentag
Madame Chamberlaine
“Shana! Dana! Is everything okay? Why are the two of you wearing winter hats in this heat?!”
Tzipie Wolner
Madame Chamberlaine
"She’s been asking for des sucettes et des saucisses. Can you tell me what these words mean?”
Tzipie Wolner
The Ring of Healing: Succos 5785
So much more binds us than separates
Penina Steinbruch
The Ring of Healing: Succos 5785
One year later, converging circles of heart and hope
Rav Aaron Lopiansky
If you’re not looking for Heavenly signs if the boy you’re dating is your zivug, what approach should you take?
Rabbi Menachem Nissel
Why Elul needs a hard heart — and a soft one
Miriam Kosman
Freeze Frame
I often search for ways to add freshness to days that feel boring
Russy Tendler
Freeze Frame
I want to become a vessel ready to catch and contain the brachah around me
Russy Tendler
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What to do for a child who’s up all night, every night? When is it a sign of some underlying problem?

By Shifra Ernest

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Mazel tov! It’s a boy! A girl! Whatever the gender, the next step is naming the baby. Fortunately, there’s a minhag for that — in fact, there are many

By Libi Astaire

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For those pursuing a shidduch during middle age or beyond, the path can be lonely and strewn with obstacles, but a caring support network can make all the difference

By Elisheva Appel

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A new generation of rabbis and educators, specifically trained for the job, is stepping up to the plate

By Baila Rosenbaum

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Only three nations — the Soviet Union, the United States, and China — have landed on the moon. In April, Israel will try to become the fourth

By Shlomi Gil

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The ideal job turns your talents into your job. But how can you pinpoint your passion — and figure out how to convert it into a lucrative career?

By Barbara Bensoussan