Latest Normal Like Me
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Dov Haller
I read it for you
I’m an anxious person, so I keep a pillow stuffed with eight months’ worth of living expenses. It’s a little stiff , and the crinkly sound drives my wife crazy, but it helps me sleep better.
Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin
I read it for you
Each morning, Mr. Market knocks on the door and offers his stock at a different price.
Dovid Bashevkin
#In A Word
The strong trees protruding through the snow and the sun shining through the shadows are a reminder to me that Hashem always provides us with strength and warmth in the coldness of life
Mishpacha Contributors
#In A Word
If I had to describe the atmosphere at this dinner in Wiesenthal's honor, I would say it was this overwhelming sense of “we have won”
Mishpacha Contributors
Guests of Honor
Is it true that love is blind? Doesn’t it hurt her anew every time she thinks of how her son rejected the world she chose?
Rachel Newton
Guests of Honor
Do we ever fully appreciate the immigrant experience of so many who have come before us?
Sarah Moses Spero
Speechless Moments
She was stopped by her mother’s voice saying, “Raizele, no. There will be better times”
Adina Lover
Speechless Moments
The night of the speech, I still couldn’t talk. But I couldn’t cancel, either
Adina Lover
Web Exclusive
Close to a century later, we're still singing the songs of a visionary scholar, builder, and leader.
Feature Videos
When your work puts you inside some of the most sensitive situations in our community, how can you keep from burning out?
Yisroel Besser
More Normal Like Me
Normal Like Me

I knew that according to the rules, she wasn’t supposed to be talking with me at all, since I’d left the kehillah

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

“My children will not go to school. We don’t need school,” he kept saying. “The white man has nothing to teach us”

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

I still couldn’t raise that arm all the way, or stretch it out in front of me. I was disabled. Handicapped. Maybe forever

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

Itzik sighed. “Levi, we’ve talked about this ten times already. I didn’t incite them. I’m the last person who’d go inciting anybody to kill Arabs

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

This didn’t quite look like his crowd, but somehow Itzik could see himself drumming together with them, being part of the circle and the pulsating sound

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

Nothing hurts like betrayal. No pain is deeper than the pain of disillusionment: seeing your hero unmasked as a dupe, your personal idol shattered into fraudulent bits

By Ruti Kepler