Latest Normal Like Me
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Fruits of Kindness
A bus ticket, a care package, a haircut — the items were small, the caring behind them enormous. A small seed sprouted and grew tall. Twenty readers share acts of giving
Family First Readers
Personal Accounts
Maybe I hadn’t even made it into the news, though. A woman getting shot in the arm because of a misunderstanding with the police wasn’t really that interesting Sarah: Friday, 6 Kislev 5775 Mommy and Tatty wouldn’t bring me the weekend papers for Shabbos. I mean, they did bring me some, but they “accidentally” left
Mishpacha Contributors
Personal Accounts
This year, this niggun was an anthem because we showed it. He’s always there for us, but this year, we were there for Him too.
Yisroel Besser
In the Numbers
Maybe I hadn’t even made it into the news, though. A woman getting shot in the arm because of a misunderstanding with the police wasn’t really that interesting Sarah: Friday, 6 Kislev 5775 Mommy and Tatty wouldn’t bring me the weekend papers for Shabbos. I mean, they did bring me some, but they “accidentally” left
Boaz Bachrach
In the Numbers
“He said you will definitely have two children, maybe even three.”
Rabbi Akiva Fox
Reel Chronicles
“Obviously, our mission statement and goal remain the same, but we need to find a new way to express them”
Moshe Shindler
Reel Chronicles
“If we reenact the story in an engaging way, we can get the messaging out subtly. That would resonate”
Moshe Shindler
TLC Podcast
In part two of this important topic, Rabbi Schonfeld and Rabbi Garfield continue their discussion about gemara with Rav Aaron Lopiansky. How do you reconcile the Torah's view of the age of the world with the theories that the scientific community suggest? How should we be teaching children that eisav soneh Yaakov practically, when they might have regular interactions with the umos haolam? And the BIG QUESTION: How do we relay to boys who are struggling with gemara that they are as equally as important as the metzuyanim?  
Rabbi Ari Schonfeld and Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield
TLC Podcast
On our first ever episode, Rabbi Schonfeld and Rabbi Garfield discuss the burning questions parents have about raising their children. Is there any validity to the opinion that forcing middle school boys to go to shul on Shabbos is the way to go? When your child reports "facts" that don't line up with that the teacher says, who do you believe? And the BIG QUESTION: Is it possible my son is not cut out for Gemara?
Rabbi Ari Schonfeld and Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield
More Normal Like Me
Normal Like Me

“If I were a friendly sort of guy who knew how to communicate, what would be the right thing for me to say now?”

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

“I’ll give up the editing, and that way I won’t have to deal with people.” That remark trailed off on a note of revulsion mixed with despair

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

No one in the village knew just what a mobile network was, but it was something bad, that much was clear

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

“What are you, a little boy?” he asked. “What’s with the rewards? If you want to go on a trip, go”

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

Avitzedek sang and beat his drum. Faigy found herself entranced for a moment. Looking at the boys’ faces, she was surprised to see deep respect

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

Life in a place without a dry cleaner’s, without a grocery, without any stores at all, could be wonderful. Especially for him

By Ruti Kepler