Latest Normal Like Me
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
The Last Flask
And then they found it — the last flask, the small bottle that would enable them to start anew. 12 writers share the last flask that lit up their own lives rattle of hope
Family First Contributors
Rocking Horse
I suppose this story is my plea to the world: Don’t let this happen. To anyone. Anywhere. Anytime
Leah Gebber
Rocking Horse
Grandpa ate his roasted fish with relish, stopping now and then to wipe his chin and ask when the bus was coming to take them home. Mami was playing like a little girl with all the enchanting items she’d found in the peddlers’ stalls: a flashlight, a watch, and a set of little forks. Frank
Leah Gebber
Voices for Eternity
Esther was prepared to sacrifice everything—her very life and even her portion in Olam HaBa—for the sake of the people
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles
Voices for Eternity
The tefillos of men are carried upward through the prayers and tears of the women
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles
The Lonely Wait
Within all the sound, do we hear the voices of the young men and women themselves?
Faigie Zelcer
The Lonely Wait
Adopt a Shadchan (AAS) began with a small group of dedicated shadchanim, committed to helping singles find their match
Lisa Elefant
Knowing and Growing
If a tree trunk is mostly dead, what's the secret of its living strength? 
Rabbi Reuven Leuchter
Knowing and Growing
We need to identify our own metaphorical roots, trunk, and branches
Rabbi Reuven Leuchter
More Normal Like Me
Normal Like Me

“It’s unethical for us to give him his eyesight back, but it’s ethical for him to insist on being blind and make the whole village take care of him? Are we going to stand by and let that happen?”

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

Maybe he ought to get those boys back together and start giving darbouka lessons again. He had all their phone numbers… he would call them

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

“It’s just not worth it, Sara’le. To give in to a momentary urge to dress up, here in this world, and to lose worlds you can’t imagine, for all eternity….”

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

“He’s religious. He eats only kosher food. Wait, I’ll call Itzik and ask him what we can feed this doctor”

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

“Now that you have an open ear among the media,” their e-mails clamored, “why won’t you speak up for your own people? Justice for West New Guinea!”

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

Sarah: Sunday, 11 Tammuz 5775 I’ve been officially unemployed ever since I was injured. I thought I might start taking on sewing jobs, but I still don’t have enough range of movement in my arm. I’m not sure if that arm will ever be back to normal, and my physiotherapist isn’t sure, either. In the

By Ruti Kepler