Latest Normal Like Me
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Summer Job
Those short jobs that helped shape and mold the adults we are today
Mishpacha Contributors
Summer Job
Waitressing required a completely different skill set than passing AP exams and Regents
Barbara Bensoussan
Editor's Letter
Maybe the ultimate strength of Stories is their unique ability to wrangle with the soul
Rachael Lavon
Editor's Letter
You struggle and toil and build, and then it all comes down, but perhaps that’s the point. Perhaps the glory is in the effort, not the result
Yisroel Besser
The Art of the Deal
White House envoy Avi Berkowitz traces the story behind the historic Israel-UAE deal
Gedalia Guttentag
The Art of the Deal
The diplomatic coup announced by Trumpian tweet last week to a stunned world began only a few months ago on the olive-green hills of Judea and Samaria
Gedalia Guttentag
Day in the Life
Jonathan Heller is the CEO of MikvaTech, a water purification company based in Jerusalem, where he lives
Rachel Bachrach
Day in the Life
"At first I called it the Shoel Umeishiv hotline, but a lot of boys don’t know what a shoel umeishiv is, so we changed it to Dial-a-Rebbi"
Rachel Bachrach
When I was finally coaxed back into the classroom, it was for something I’d never imagined
Yochonon Donn
More Normal Like Me
Normal Like Me

“It’s unethical for us to give him his eyesight back, but it’s ethical for him to insist on being blind and make the whole village take care of him? Are we going to stand by and let that happen?”

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

Maybe he ought to get those boys back together and start giving darbouka lessons again. He had all their phone numbers… he would call them

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

“It’s just not worth it, Sara’le. To give in to a momentary urge to dress up, here in this world, and to lose worlds you can’t imagine, for all eternity….”

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

“He’s religious. He eats only kosher food. Wait, I’ll call Itzik and ask him what we can feed this doctor”

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

“Now that you have an open ear among the media,” their e-mails clamored, “why won’t you speak up for your own people? Justice for West New Guinea!”

By Ruti Kepler

Normal Like Me

Sarah: Sunday, 11 Tammuz 5775 I’ve been officially unemployed ever since I was injured. I thought I might start taking on sewing jobs, but I still don’t have enough range of movement in my arm. I’m not sure if that arm will ever be back to normal, and my physiotherapist isn’t sure, either. In the

By Ruti Kepler