Latest Musings
Miriam Maggid
Diane Epstein
Raizy Appeldorfer
Yael Zoldan
Risa Rotman
True Colors
The only thing I thought I was good at was being lonely. And trust me, it’s not a good thing to be good at
Chaya Rosen
True Colors
Since when do fire alarms actually mean a fire?
Chaya Rosen
By the Letter
“I want my mommy,” I repeated, sobbing, while the visitors looked on, not knowing what to say   I was lost. Lost in pain. Lost in confusion. “Where’s Mommy?” I wanted to shout over and over again. I’d known my mother wasn’t doing well. Succos time, she’d found herself in the hospital. Emphysema had burned
Mindel Kassorla and Mindel Kassorla and Cindy Landesman
By the Letter
Life is a cycle — and a spiral that pushes us higher
Cindy Landesman and Mindel Kassorla
My husband is helping his parents — with my money
Shaina Kovitz
I don’t want to get involved — but I need to
Esty Heller
the Places You'll Go
When cabin fever hits, some of the most surprising excursions aren’t too far from your own backyard
Zivia Reischer
the Places You'll Go
When cabin fever hits, some of the most surprising excursions aren’t too far from your own backyard
Riki Goldstein
No jumping through hoops necessary to make these gorgeous succah decorations
Esti Vago
“I want my mommy,” I repeated, sobbing, while the visitors looked on, not knowing what to say   I was lost. Lost in pain. Lost in confusion. “Where’s Mommy?” I wanted to shout over and over again. I’d known my mother wasn’t doing well. Succos time, she’d found herself in the hospital. Emphysema had burned
Nechama Kovitz
More Musings

The doorbell rings. No one rings the doorbell to our house unless they’re FedEx or UPS

By Ruchie Cohen


I’m in a psych ward. I can deal with that. Can’t I?

By Tzipora Bar-Lev


I’m afraid Mimi’s return will awaken within me my greatest fear of all

By Rochel Ellman


As an older single, I didn’t know if I was technically considered “barren” 

By Lea Pavel


The only thing wrong with it is that it reminds me of… well, honey cake

By Avigail Rabinowitz


The “Kohein Gadol” bangles tinkle on my wrist. The sound my daughter says she loves most

By Perri Shafir